M.kondaiah, M.A., M.Phill
Chief Executive Officer.
With the blessings of our chairman Sri.Y.Rama Krishna Reddy
and able guidance of the principal, H.O.D
of IT and other faculty members, our IT students joyfully
and skillfully bring you the department website giving complete information
about the department. and providing academic material, research guidance,
journals and job opportunities and what
not for the benefit of computer students.
I am
appreciating them for taking interest to bring out this department.
Website and this may stand as an example for coming batches. This site also
takes on a sentimental skill & effort of our first batch IT students.
Over the years, although the college has under
gone large structural changes, the soul of institution and its motto "not only marks making but also character
building”, have remained the same. The college has always believed in an holistic
approach to teaching and has encouragel students to think independently and
creatively. The result of this approach is reflected in this website. The
vision with which the college was founded can be seen unfolding in these pages.
As you skim through the site, you will notice the
technical skills of the students and their creativity.
I hope
you enjoy leafing through the pages
of ‘ssnelites.com’